The five Obstacles "NEW"
''These are the five hindrances and obstacles that overcome the mind and weaken wisdom. Which five? Sensual desire is a hindrance and obstacle that overcomes the mind and weakens wisdom. Ill will... Sloth and torpor... Agitation and worry... Doubt is a hindrance and obstacle that overcomes the mind and weakens wisdom... ''
AN 5.51 Avarana Sutta: Obstacles
''Pañcime bhikkhave āvaraṇā nīvaraṇā cetaso ajjhāruhā paññāya dubbalīkaraṇā. Katame pañca? ''
Pañcime = the five
āvaraṇā = hindrance, obstruction, bar
nīvaraṇā = an obstacle, hindrance,
cetaso (gen. sg.) = of the mind
ajjhāruhā = growing up over, overwhelming
paññāya(gen. sg.) = of wisdom
dubbalī-karaṇā = making weak
''Kāmacchando bhikkhave āvaraṇo nīvaraṇo cetaso ajjhāruho paññāya dubbalīkaraṇo. Vyāpādo bhikkhave āvaraṇo nīvaraṇo cetaso ajjhāruho paññāya dubbalīkaraṇo. Thīnamiddhaṃ bhikkhave āvaraṇaṃ nīvaraṇaṃ cetaso ajjhāruhaṃ paññāya dubbalīkaraṇaṃ. Uddhaccakukkuccaṃ bhikkhave āvaraṇaṃ nīvaraṇaṃ cetaso ajjhāruhaṃ paññāya dubbalīkaraṇaṃ. Vicikicchā bhikkhave āvaraṇā nīvaraṇā cetaso ajjhāruhā paññāya dubbalīkaraṇā. ''
Kāmacchando (nom. sg.)= sensual desire
Vyāpādo (nom. sg.)= ill-will
Thīna-middhaṃ (nom. sg.)= sloth and torpor
Uddhacca-kukkuccaṃ (nom. sg.)= agitation and worry
Vicikicchā (nom. sg.)= doubt