Dark and bright Kamma

31/05/2010 14:55


"Monks, these four types of kamma have been directly realized, verified, & made known by me. Which four? There is dark kamma with dark result. There is bright kamma with bright result. There is kamma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result. There is kamma that is neither dark nor bright with neither dark nor bright result, leading to the cessation of kamma.

"And what, monks, is dark kamma with dark result? There is the case, monks, where someone fabricates an afflictive bodily fabrication, fabricates an afflictive verbal fabrication, fabricates an afflictive mental fabrication. Having fabricated an afflictive bodily fabrication, having fabricated an afflictive verbal fabrication, having fabricated an afflictive mental fabrication, he is reborn in an afflcitve world. He is there touched by afflictive contacts. Touched by afflicvitve contacts, he experiences feelings that are exclusively painful, like those of the beings in hell. This is called dark kamma with dark result.

"And what is bright kamma with bright result? There is the case, monks, where someone fabricates a non-afflictive bodily fabrication ... a non-afflictive verbal fabrication ... a non-afflictive mental fabrication ... He is reborn in a non-afflicted world ... There he is touched by non-afflictive contacts ... He experiences feelings that are exclusively pleasant, like those of the Devas of refulgent glory. This is called bright kamma with bright result.

"And what is kamma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result? There is the case, monks, where someone fabricates a bodily fabrication that is afflictive & non-afflictive ... a verbal fabrication that is afflictive & non-afflictive ... a mental fabrication that is afflictive & non-afflictive ... He rearises in an afflictive & non-afflictive world ... There he is touched by afflictive & non-afflictive contacts ... He experiences afflictive & non-afflictive feelings, pleasure mingled with pain, like those of human beings, some devas, and some beings in the lower realms. This is called kamma that is dark & bright with dark & bright result.

"And what is kamma that is neither dark nor bright with neither dark nor bright result, leading to the cessation of kamma? The volition to abandon this dark kamma with dark resultants, and to abandon the bright kamma with bright results, and to abandon the dark & bright kamma with dark & bright results- this is called the kamma which is neither dark nor bright which leads to the cessation of kamma”

"These, monks, are the four types of kamma directly realized, verified, & made known by me."

AN 4.232 Dutiya kammasuttaṃ: Kamma (2)


33. Cattārimāni bhikkhave kammāni mayā sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā paveditāni. Katamāni cattāri?

Atthi bhikkhave kammaṃ kaṇhaṃ kaṇhavipākaṃ. Atthi bhikkhave kammaṃ sukkaṃ sukkavipākaṃ. Atthi bhikkhave kammaṃ kaṇhasukkaṃ kaṇhasukkavipākaṃ. Atthi bhikkhave kammaṃ akaṇhaṃ asukkaṃ akaṇhaasukkavipākaṃ kammakkhayāya saṃvattati.

Katamañca bhikkhave kammaṃ kaṇhaṃ kaṇhavipākaṃ? Idha bhikkhave ekacco sabyāpajjhaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti, sabyāpajjhaṃ vacīsaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti, sabyāpajjhaṃ manosaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti. So sabyāpajjhaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyāpajjhaṃ vacīsaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyāpajjhaṃ manosaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyāpajjhaṃ lokaṃ upapajjati. Tamenaṃ sabyāpajjhaṃ lokaṃ upapannaṃ samānaṃ sabyāpajjhā phassā phusanti. So sabyāpajjhehi phassehi phuṭṭho samāno sabyāpajjhaṃ vedanaṃ vediyati ekantadukkhaṃ. Seyyathāpi sattā nerayikā. Idaṃ vuccati bhikkhave kammaṃ kaṇhaṃ kaṇhavipākaṃ.

Katamañca bhikkhave kammaṃ sukkaṃ sukkavipākaṃ? Idha bhikkhave ekacco abyāpajjhaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti, abyāpajjhaṃ vacīsaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti, abyāpajjhaṃ manosaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti. So abyāpajjhaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā abyāpajjhaṃ vacīsaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā abyāpajjhaṃ manosaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā abyāpajjhaṃ lokaṃ upapajjati. Tamenaṃ abyāpajjhaṃ lokaṃ upapannaṃ samānaṃ abyāpajjhā phassā phusanti. So abyāpajjhehi phassehi phuṭṭho samāno abyāpajjhaṃ vedanaṃ vediyati ekantasukhaṃ. Seyyathāpi devā subhakiṇhā. Idaṃ vuccati bhikkhave kammaṃ sukkaṃ sukkavipākaṃ.

Katamañca bhikkhave kammaṃ kaṇhasukkaṃ kaṇhasukkavipākaṃ? Idha bhikkhave ekacco sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi kāyasaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti, sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi vacīsaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti, sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi manosaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharoti. So sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi kāyasaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi vacīsaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi manosaṅkhāraṃ abhisaṅkharitvā sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi lokaṃ upapajjati. Tamenaṃ sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi lokaṃ upapannaṃ samānaṃ sabyāpajjhāpi abyāpajjhāpi phassā phusanti. So sabyāpajjhehipi abyāpajjhehipi phassehi phuṭṭho samāno sabyāpajjhampi abyāpajjhampi vedanaṃ vediyati vokiṇṇasukhadukkhaṃ. Seyyathāpi manussā ekacce ca devā ekacce ca vinipātikā. Idaṃ vuccati bhikkhave kammaṃ kaṇhasukkaṃ kaṇhasukkavipākaṃ.


Katamañca bhikkhave kammaṃ akaṇhaṃ asukkaṃ akaṇhaasukkavipākaṃ kammakkhayāya saṃvattati? Tatra bhikkhave yamidaṃ kammaṃ kaṇhaṃ kaṇhavipākaṃ tassa pahāṇāya yā cetanā, yampidaṃ kammaṃ sukkaṃ sukkavipākaṃ tassa pahāṇāya yā cetanā, yampidaṃ kammaṃ kaṇhasukkaṃ kaṇhasukkavipākaṃ tassa pahāṇāya yā cetanā, idaṃ vuccati bhikkhave kammaṃ akaṇhaṃ asukkaṃ akaṇha asukkavipākaṃ kammakkhayāya saṃvattati.


Imāni kho bhikkhave cattāri kammāni mayā sayaṃ abhiññā sacchikatvā paveditānīti.


Cattārimāni = four kinds

bhikkhave (voc. pl.) = bhikkhus

kammāni (nom. sg.) = acts

mayā (inst. sg.) = by me

sayaṃ abhiññā = directly realized

sacchikatvā = verified

paveditāni= made known

Katamāni cattāri?= what four

Atthi = there is

kammaṃ (nom. sg.)= action

kaṇhaṃ = dark

kaṇha-vipākaṃ.= with dark resutls

sukkaṃ = bright

sukka-vipākaṃ= With bright results

kaṇha-sukkaṃ = dark & bright

akaṇhaṃ = not dark

asukkaṃ = not bright

kamma-kkhayāya (dat. sg.) = to the destruction of kamma

saṃvattati = it leads

Idha= here

ekacco (nom. sg.) = one certain person

sabyāpajjhaṃ = afflictive

kāya-saṅkhāraṃ (acc. sg.)= body fabrication

abhisaṅkharoti = creates

vacī-saṅkhāraṃ (acc. sg.)= speech fabrication

mano-saṅkhāraṃ (acc. sg.)= mind fabrication

lokaṃ (acc sg) = a world

upapajjati =he rearises in, he is reborn

upapannaṃ = on rearising, on being reborn

phassā (nom. pl.) = contacts

phusanti. = they touch

vedanaṃ (acc. sg.) = feeling

vediyati = he experiences

ekanta-dukkhaṃ. = exclusively painful

Seyyathāpi =as just as

sattā nerayikā. = the beings in hell

Idaṃ vuccati = this is called

abyāpajjhaṃ = non-afflictive

devā subhakiṇhā. . = the gods of refulgent glory

manussā (gen. sg.) = of man

vinipātikā. = destined to suffer in purgatory

cetanā = volition