Dhammapada Chapter 2 - Vigilance

31/12/2009 07:45

Chapter 2 - Appamâda Vigilance

21. [II.1]

Appamâdo amatapadaṃ,

pamâdo maccuno padaṃ,

appamattâ na mîyanti,

ye pamattâ yathâ matâ.


Vigilance is the path to the deathless

Negligence the path to deat,

The vigilant do not die,

The negligent are as if dead.


Appamâda (nom. sg.) = Vigilance

Amata-padam (nom. sg.) = the way to the deathless

Pamâdo= negligence

Maccuno (gen. sg.)= of death

appamattâ (nom. pl.) = the vigilant

pamattâ (nom. pl.) = the negligent

yathâ = as if

mata = dead


22. [II.2]

Etaṃ visesato ñatvâ

appamâdamhi paṇḑitâ,

appamâde pamodanti,

ariyânaṃ gocare ratâ.


Knowing this distinctively,

The experts in vigilance

Rejoice in vigilance,

Delighting in the range of the Ariyas.


Etaṃ (acc. sg.) = this

visesato (abl. sg.) = distinctively

ñatvâ = knowing

appamâdahmhi (loc. sg.) = in vigilance

panditâ (nom. pl.) = the experts

appamâde (loc. sg.) = in vigilance

pamodanti = they rejoice

ariyânam (gen. pl.) = of the ariyas

gocare = in the field

rata (adj.) = delighting